I'm Maya Diamond, and I'm a dating and relationship coach.

I've helped hundreds of single women find love in the last 10 years, with a unique blend of somatic psychology, energy medicine, and hands-on dating coaching.

My experience has taught me that there is one core difference between the women who find a great partner and the women who stay single…


The difference is that they believe it’s possible.

How To Trust Love

And Make Dating Fun Again

Look… if you've been dating for years and you've been burned, or if you've been through your share of tough breakups, it's easy to lose faith.

It's easy to feel as though, for some reason, you're going to be the one who is unlucky in love and doesn't get the romance you deeply crave.

Does any of this sound like you?

– You’re still trying to get over your ex – weeks, months or even years after the breakup, and can barely think about dating someone new. You think about them all the time, especially in the middle of the night and when you wake up in the morning. 

You keep trying online dating apps, but quit after a few weeks because you’re not matching with anyone you’re attracted to. Or if you do match, the conversation fizzles before you get asked on a date. You feel discouraged and unwanted whenever you try. 

Online dating sounds awful and you don’t want to do it. You don’t like spending time on your phone and you’ve heard nothing but horror stories from your friends… forget it! 

You keep dating people who seem interested at first, but change their minds after you start to get close. It seems like you’re never Mrs. Right, only Mrs. Right Now…

If any of this sounds like you, here's what you need to do:

The first step is to break through the fear that nothing will work for you, so you can restore your faith in finding love.

This is essential, because if you don’t fundamentally believe that you’re going to have what you want, it'll seem like there are no good men out there.

Feeling stuck on an ex or getting rejected is torture, but the best way to move on is to create a vision for a future love life that you’re excited about and start connecting with new people. 

This intensive will give you the jumpstart you need to feel like YOU again and get excited about dating, by going deep into your subconscious, reprogramming the root of this core belief and shifting it so that everything you do in your love life will work faster and most powerfully.

The second step is knowing how to present yourself online so you attract your exact match.

Imagine this: As you long for your beloved partner, as you think about finding this person, as you pour energy into calling them in… your partner is looking for you too!  

What you seek is seeking you.” – Rumi

You have about 5 seconds to make a great first impression on an online dating app. Are you going to catch their eye, or will something in your photos and profile cause them to swipe left? 

Figuring out what pictures to post, and trying to strike that balance between cool, fun, smart — but also real, is not easy, and it’s especially hard to do for your self.

This is why my team and I have helped hundreds of women craft their online dating profiles, and we're going to help you too. 

We're pros at creating a profile that it easily attracts the right people for you, and immediately turns off the wrong ones.

You'll spend less time on disaster dates that leave you wanting to run off and become a nun, and have more meaningful, connected experiences, where you actually enjoy the dating process.

Who this is for…

If you’ve longed to find your soul mate for what seems like forever, but you're starting to lose faith that it's possible…

If you’ve had terrible luck with online dating and you wish you could just delete all the apps, or if you're too scared to even try…

If it seems like all the good ones are taken, you're too old to find love, and there's no one amazing out there for you…

…Then this is the intensive for you.

In just 8 days, you can go from dreading online dating to having a profile you're proud of and looking forward to your next date. It only takes 30-60 minutes/day!

What does this 8-day intensive include?

You’ll get transformational video teachings from Maya, along with powerful exercises that will enable you to make fast and lasting changes to your love life.
You’ll join daily Facebook Live video sessions with Maya and the coaching team where you'll have an opportunity to get  your biggest questions answered via personal laser coaching.
You’ll get a professional dating profile review where we'll edit your written profile and help you select photos that present you in the best, most authentic light.

You'll get over $1000 worth of training… for only $325!

This very special program is only available for a few more days – and I'm not sure if/when I'll offer it again.

Reserve your spot now because we start on September 24. Space is limited! 

Day 1-2

Create A Vision For Success

  • Create a crystal clear vision of the partner and relationship you're calling in, and a detailed description of what you'll no longer accept.
  • Define exactly who you're looking for so that you can be 100% certain when you've found your beloved.

Day 3-4

Rewrite Your Beliefs

  • Identify and release the negative beliefs that are preventing love from entering your life.
  • Cultivate faith that your beloved is out there, and that online dating will work for you.

Day 5-6

Create An Online Dating Profile That Will Attract Your Beloved

  • Discover how to choose photos that immediately capture the attention of exactly who you want to attract.
  • Write a dating profile that authentically represents you and catches the eye of your beloved, while repelling anyone you don't resonate with.
  • Get our expert eye on your profile and photos – you'll receive hands-on help!

Day 7-8

Identify The Patterns That Keep You Stuck And Single (So They Can Be Healed)

  • Take a deeper look at past relationship patterns and get clear on how they show up so you can avoid repeating them in the future.
  • Map out a plan to learn from these patterns and heal the core wounds hat have kept them in place so you can have a bright new dating future.

What people are saying…

“After working with Maya I am with someone who is exactly what I described to Maya that my perfect partner would be during our first meeting! Maya helped me to get on the right track to find love and to believe in myself.”
- Betty

“I am thrilled to say that I am now in a loving, long-term relationship with an incredible man and we are both so grateful for Maya’s help in bringing us together!”
- Charity

“I am now in a healthy, mature, committed relationship with a wonderful man. Maya’s presence and support have been invaluable to me throughout, helping me navigate my relationship with more ease, awareness, and inner growth.”
- Helena

Success Stories: Video Interviews With Maya And Her Clients

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About Your Guide

Maya Diamond

Master Coach

Maya Diamond is an expert Dating and Relationship Coach who is known for helping women finally find their beloved after years of trying, so that they can have happy, satisfying, and fulfilling relationships. Maya believes that having a great relationship positively impacts all areas of your life, and that by following her simple process for calling in the partner you really want, you can have more success and abundance in your career, finances, social life, spiritual development, or anything else that is important to you. Maya is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (MFT) and holds a Master’s Degree in Somatic Psychology from the California Institute of Integral Studies.

Rediscover the joy of dating…

Make sure you reserve your spot now because we start on Monday, September 24!


What does it mean to “rewrite negative beliefs and fears around dating”?
Any negative beliefs you may have about dating, for example, “I can’t attract the man I desire,” “I’m too old to find love,” or “Online dating doesn't work,” can prevent you from finding love, because what we believe tends to come true!

When you shift these beliefs, and truly start to believe “I can attract the man I desire,” “I’m the perfect age to find love,” or “Online dating is easy,” your love life will LITERALLY reflect these new beliefs.

However, it's not always just a matter of deciding to believe something else – it requires specific exercises to change the beliefs and “rewrite” them, which is my speciality, and what we’ll be doing together during the intensive.

What is the format of the intensive and what exactly is included?
  • 8 daily, interactive Facebook Live videos + assignments that are teaching & coaching sessions with me and my team, designed to help you unpack and rewrite any beliefs you may have about dating that get in the way of finding a great partner. All trainings are recorded with lifetime access.
  • A hands-on review/edit of your dating profile by an expert member of our team.
How much time should I set aside for this course?
  • The daily, interactive Facebook live videos will be 30 minutes long.
  • If you can set aside an additional 30-60 minutes per day to do the assignments, that's ideal!
How can I ask questions during the intensive?

You'll be able to ask your questions during the Facebook Live videos, as well as via posts/comments in the private Facebook group.

When will the Facebook Live videos take place and what happens if I can't make them live?

Here is the schedule for our 8 days:

  • Monday, September 24 – 4 pm PT
  • Tuesday, September 25 – 10 am PT
  • Wednesday, September 26 – 11 am PT
  • Thursday, September 27 – 5 pm PT (with Beth)
  • Friday, September 28 – 7:30 am PT
  • Saturday, September 29 – 7:30 am PT
  • Sunday, September 30 – 9 am PT
  • Monday, October 1 – I’m traveling, so there’s no video… Use this time to catch up on assignments!
  • Tuesday, October 2 – 10 am PT

All videos will be recorded and you can watch them anytime. If you have to miss them live, you can ask your questions ahead of time in the private Facebook group. (You can see the daily curriculum above).

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