Wanting love isn’t for the faint of heart.
It involves sitting through moment after moment of discouraging evidence that seems to promise you love will never arrive.
There will be many mornings when you feel achingly lonely, when you deeply long to wake up, open your eyes to see your beloved laying next to you, and hear them say, “Good morning … I love you.”
There will be nights when all you want is to feel their arms around you, and their lips gently kissing your forehead so that the day can melt away.
There will be days when you wonder how you’re going to sit through another first date with someone you’re not interested in, or handle the pain of rejection when the person you fell head over heels for never calls again.
There will be evenings when you swipe swipe swipe online and all conversations seem to be leading nowhere – when no one attractive asks you out and your inbox is filled with inappropriate innuendos, bad spelling and poor grammar.
There will be times when you wonder if you’re just meant to wind up alone, if you’re actually unloveable, or if there’s no one out there you would want to be with.
There may even be times when you secretly wonder if life is even worth living without a relationship, and quickly talk yourself out of that dark line of thinking. (I think most of us have “gone there” at one point or another.)
But the thing is, you mustn’t give up on love.
Because it only takes ONE moment for everything to change.
It only takes ONE connection with the person who was practically made for you – who sees a special light in your eyes and who deeply resonates with your heart.
It only takes ONE person, in a sea of billions, to change your world … forever.
Just ONE.
Every person who came before them, who didn’t work out, was a gift that allowed you to be available for the right ONE.
You've come too far to give up now!
It takes a special person to endure the mysterious and sometimes painful chasm of being in the unknown, so they can have what they truly want.
It takes a very special person to say no to the people who are wrong for them, take aligned actions toward their desires, and then WAIT for them to manifest.
Because … when you don’t know who, when, where or what will show up, giving up feels like the safe option that will protect your heart from pain and disappointment.
But life isn’t about protecting yourself from bad things by giving up on the good things.
Life is about opening to the whole she-bang, dreaming big, and taking risks.
Otherwise you are just wilting away and slowly dying inside.
What do you truly want?
What kind of life do you truly want for yourself?
What kind of person do you want to be?
If you want an extraordinary life with a magnificent relationship in it, I wholeheartedly believe you can have it.
And I want to help you become the person who gets it sooner than you ever imagined – no matter what has happened up until this moment.
I want to help you heal the past, sharpen your sword of discernment, and build the faith and strength, stay the course long enough to find your person – and for them to find you.
Rewiring your attachment style
This is the work of rewiring your attachment style and learning how to date in a healthy, effective way.
This is the work I did for myself and hundreds of my clients who found love.
I invite you to put your hand on your heart, take a deep breath and ask yourself if you're ready to take the next step towards having the best relationship of your life.
If you are, I invite you to join the Masterclass I created to learn the 5 Shifts to Stop Investing in Relationships with No Future and Find A Loving & Secure Partnership:
And if you want more, please apply for a complimentary love breakthrough call to get clear on what's been holding you back from finding true love, exactly how we can help you get there. (Just click the link below the Masterclass.)
Because you deserve to have what you really, truly want in life.