The other night, on a date, I noticed I felt like an object. 

I felt alone, and I felt like the person in front of me couldn’t really see me.

The night before, on a different date, I noticed that I felt gotten, connected, seen, and like the person genuinely wanted to know me.

The crazy thing is, 10 years ago I wouldn’t have noticed or paid attention to any of that. 

I would have been too entranced in the other, too swept away by good looks, or the fantasy of what could be, to even feel into the depth of my heart and know my truth.

I'd have been too focused on the other to really trust and tune into me, and too afraid to really slow down and hear the quiet whisperings of my knowing. 

That intuition that might have said: “Nope, this person isn’t right for me.”

Learning to tune in

This is one of the keys that I teach both women and men.

So, how can you be available to hear this knowing, this wisdom, this truth residing in your being? 

To really be available to yourself in this way, we must first clear any experiences or traumas that took away your ability to trust yourself.

Without that deep trust in your own wisdom, your knowing and your self — it’s really hard to hear.

It’s hard to listen.

It’s hard to know.

But it’s not that hard to to tune in once you understand how and you’ve started taking some simple steps toward healing  … 

In fact, the other night, on a coaching call, my client said that after only a short time of working together, this deep listening to her body, this deep acting from what she hears inside has been restored. 

She said she felt like a different person inside than when we first started our work. This is now positively affecting everything in her life. 

So, today, I ask you:

When did you stop listening to your body?

When did you stop listening to your heart’s knowing?

When did you learn to deny your truth in order to stay in connection with another?

Reconnecting is what I guide my clients to do every day.

This transformation is not easy but it is 1000% worth it.

Come join us (for a completely free masterclass around this and more):

Because … you deserve to feel amazing around your ideal partner.

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