Deep down, we all know what’s good for us, but somewhere along the way we’ve learned to doubt our truth.

I used to doubt my inner knowing, and I actually almost died once from not listening to my intuition.

I was in a car crash in 2005. My face hit the dashboard and I was knocked out.

Minutes earlier, I had ignored my inner knowing, didn't speak up, and didn’t stand in my truth.

That decision almost cost me my life.

Through that near-death experience, I met my shadow. Thankfully I went through that underworld experience and came out the other side stronger and more resilient.

Because of it, I will now speak my boundaries even if it might hurt someone, or it scares me.

This is key — speaking your boundary even if it scares you, frightens you, or is uncomfortable to do.

Women (especially) have been taught to give their power over to someone with more “power, knowledge, or authority,” for so LONG.

When I listen to my truth and really follow it — when I heed my intuition even when it’s challenging — I allow what’s in alignment to flow into my life.

The Universe responds. 

When I listen to that little voice that’s knocking to be heard, life flows more smoothly.

This is especially true for dating and relationships.

Your intuition can tell you so much about a person.

But, so many things get in the way of our intuition, which can lead us to choose someone who isn't right for us.

Are you listening to your intuition? Or doubting it?

If you find it hard to identify your true knowing, or to follow it once you hear it, I want to help, so you can stop getting involved in relationships with no future.

Do you want to find out what's getting in the way of yours?

The first step to discovering what's been blocking you is to check out the Masterclass I created for you, where I’ll help you identify the steps you need to take in order to heal, move forward, and find a healthy, happy relationship.

This Masterclass is for you if you're ready to finally say NO to people who don't choose you as a long term partner … NO to partners who don't reflect your awesomeness back to you … NO to wishy washy hot-and-cold drive-you-crazy dates who drain your energy … and YES to a real relationship.

Click below to dive into the Masterclass now:

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